This is my journal of the Y6 MultiWiiCopter build process. I do not claim to be a technical writer, nor an expert of advanced model engineering, and my goal for this blog post is to post images of my copter through construction and attach some notes of my successes and failures along the way, in hopes of helping others as they put together their copters. Please use my techniques and decisions at your own risk.
- Overview
- Part I - The Parts
- Part II - The Gimbal
- Part III - Reversing the Shaft
- Part IV - Motors and Arms - (You Are Here!)
- Part V - Wiring the ESC's
- Part VI - Assembly
- Part VII - Test Flight
- Part VIII - Custom Road Case
You will be drilling additional space for you mounting screws as well as using Cyno glue, so the tip of using Waxed paper is very recommended. The carbon does make a mess, and having the paper to catch that for easy clean up is nice too.

After drilling the mount holes deep enough to hide the screw heads, but not all the way through, I also strengthened the carbon fiber with some Cyno glue in the new hole.
In order for the boom holders to fit properly, some of the nuts needs to be dremeled down on one edge. I used a vice grips and a dremel tool, but you could also use a workbench vice.
Please note that I wouldn't recommend having you motors sitting close to the area that you are filing down your nuts. Since the motors are magnetic, there is a chance that your could get metal shavings into the motor housing. A tip for later while shaving down the shaft to a shorter length is to keep your motors in a plastic bag, while only having the shaft poke through.
Both motors mounted, and you can seen the nut that was cut down and with that side sitting flush to the motor mount.
All 5 motors with the attached Carbon Fiber booms.
Motor Wiring:
Each boom will have a 2 motors, each with 3 wires. I used some colored heat shrink to be able to identify which wires belonged to which motore after you funnel your wires through the boom arm.
You solder the quick connectors to the wires and use heat shrink to cover the connection.
Here are all the connectors after snaking them through the booms.
Tighten the boom holders to the carbon fiber boom arms.
Ready to go!
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