Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tomasik Wedding: Testing out new Photoshop Actions!

One of the things that people do not realize when hiring a wedding photographer is the additional amount of hours it takes to process the images after the event has ended. I usually go through the entire set of image with Adobe Lightroom, as it's easer to get through a larger number of pictures. I have spent some time in the past day stepping away from lightroom and getting back to my Photoshop roots. One of the new features of Adobe photoshop, at least since CS2, is the ability to use actions. Actions are like recorded steps, a macro, to repeat the processing on a picture the same way on future images. This speeds up the process by reducing it down to a few clicks. I've been testing a few new actions, and tonight I was looking at NicholeVan actions. In both of these samples, I used the same action, but different texture layer to give an idea how it works:


With Actions:

The bride was acting silly, and I caught her sticking her tongue out at the groom. The vintage effect give them a little something different from the rest of the portraits. Here is another sample:

With Antique Color + Texture:

I suppose that this one is a bit over the top, but it's a good illustration of adding a "Grunge" feeling to an image. This photo looks weathered and blemished. They were looking for something urban, and this is about as much as they're going to get for Janesville, Wisconsin.

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