Each year, the Kite Aerial Photography online community holds an event called World Wide Kite Aerial Photography week with the goal of getting out at least once during the week to attempt to capture some aerial images. I didn't get a chance to launch over the weekend, so I made a point to get out after work tonight while it was still windy. I went down to the Kenosha Lighthouse right before sunset, and flew with a Flowform16 and a GoPro camera. It was very gusty, and didn't want to risk putting up a non-waterproof camera. With some initial challenges, I was able to get some decent shots.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
2012 World Wide Kite Aerial Photography Week
The Haters! H8 PAP
Great Expect8ions was out on Lake Mendota all weekend, and I was able to get a few quick Pole Aerial Photography picks as they sailed by. Their registered sail number is H8, and with the popularity of texting, they have been labeled the "Haters". It's sad that something like a name you've had forever turns into something negative due to the evolution of technology.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Mourning Dove Nest Time Lapse
Walking out on my back porch about a month ago gave me quite a startle, as a bird jumped from her nest. I didn't want to disturb them too much but decided to set up a camera to capture images every 2 minutes and then string them together after a week or so into a time lapse. The chicks grew quickly, and mama dove was protective of her chicks.
I bought an off-brand power adapter for my Canon G11 and upgraded to one of the newest Eye-Fi wireless SD cards. I configured the CHDK script to take an image every 2 minutes and then wirelessly send the image to my PC inside the house. This way, I could keep the camera rolling until the memory card filled up. Unfortunately, endless mode does not work with CHDK, since the lock tab prevents the software from erasing anything. Some Canon cameras allow you to load CHDK from the firmware update screen, but this is not available on the G11. Every couple of days, when mama was away hunting for food, I went out and got the images off the memory card and then started the script back up. Some of the still images are great, and I think that the time lapse turned out nicely.
Click on image below to watch timelapse video
The entire process from laying eggs to abandoning the next was about 3 weeks.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
YMCA Camp Jorn Spring Work Weekend
I spent last weekend volunteering for a summer camp I used to work for in 1991. YMCA Camp Jorn is located in beautiful Manitowish Waters in Northern Wisconsin. There have been a ton changes since I worked there more than 20 years ago, and the camp is looking great. Maybe too much progress, but for the most part, everything looks professional and new. After a full day of painting, I managed to grab my camera and get some photo sessions around camp. These are a collection of my favorites from the weekend.
Merrill Kite Aerial Photography
My hometown is Merrill, Wisconsin. At least that is where I grew up. I don't get back to Merrill very often, but try to stop in if I'm on my way up north for any reason. Since I started capturing images by lofting a camera into the air with a Kite, I always thought that it would nice to go back and capture the Merrill Courthouse, as it's pretty distinctive. The conditions were good as I arrived last Friday to launch my kite with south winds. This is the first time I've used anything but my wide angle lens on the Sony NEX-5, as I was standing quite a ways away. Here are the results. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get any Queenie and Ron's Pizza, as it seems as though it has closed its' doors for good. Go Bluejays!
Monday, May 7, 2012
"Mendota Blue" Terrace Chairs
I know that I've captured the Memorial Union Terrace from both my Kite Aerial Photography and Pole Aerial Photography rigs. However, the Union is starting a major renovation project of both the lake front as well as some internal remodeling, and have added a new color to the palette on the terrace in the form of a "Mendota Blue" chair. They will be auctioning these chairs off after the end of July, and I knew that I needed to get a quick session before they were gone.
Thunderstorms rolled through the Madison area all morning yesterday, and I didn't get a chance to put up the camera until 11:30 am. But, the rain kept the terrace free of on-lookers, and I was able to get some good aerial shots.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
DIY PAP Carbon Pole Roof Rack PVC Case