Wednesday, March 30, 2011

GoPro Battery Life w/ Accessories!

I've been a huge fan of the portable GoPro HD Hero Cameras for capturing images from a number of different sports, events, and also Kite Aerial Photography. GoPro has been developing some interesting accessories for the HD Hero camera, including the new LCD BacPac and Battery BakPac. The LCD BacPac allows you to view what you plan on capturing in real time, and also play back the images and video you've also recorded. The Battery BacPac allows you to add an additional GoPro battery to almost double your recording time. I thought it would be interesting to actually test the life of the GoPro when adding the accessories, and document the results here.

As you can see from the 2 GoPro HD Hero cameras stacked up together above, the Battery BacPac is a bit more Chunky than the LCD BacPac. GoPro includes additional rear-case doors to accommodate the extra girth.

All tests were conducted using a 60 second intervelometer, or the PES setting on your GoPro HD Hero. I also added a third party portable battery pack to the tests to see the limits of what you could do in the field. Here are the results:

HD Hero Alone
Number of Images: 222
Battery Life: 3 Hours 41 Minutes

HD Hero with LCD BacPac
Number of Images: 95
Battery Life: 1 Hour 33 Minutes

HD Hero with Battery BacPac
Number of Images: 382
Battery Life: 5 Hours 38 Minutes

HD Hero with Battery BacPac and External Kensington Ultra Portable Battery Pack (USB)
Number of Images: 614
Battery Life: 10 Hours 14 Minutes

As you can see, you do not get double the life out of the GoPro with the Battery BacPac, but almost. The times above will almost certainly change for capturing video, or increasing the intevelometer setting. Using the LCD BacPac will significantly reduce the usable time for your GoPro, but being able to see what your shooting is necessary. My goal is to create a 10 hour time lapse sequence, ending right after sunset, and using a motion timer to track the sun across the sky. Look for that video this summer!

UPDATE: Invested in a new battery backup device from NEW Trent, the iCruiser IMP1000 11000mAh External Battery Pack and Charger. I wanted something with a bit longer charge than the Kennsington Powerpack. This unit is a beast, and is thicker and heavier than the Kensington. Interstingly enough, the product description said that you could obtain 17 hours of movie watching time on an iPad 2! I decided to put my GoPro HD Hero to the test configured with a 30 Intevelometer, and the Battery Backpack. Here are the results: HD Hero with Battery BacPac and External New Trent iCruiser Battery Back (USB) Number of Images: 3,946 Battery Life: 32 Hours 52 Minutes


  1. GoPro with battery bacpac. 30 second interval, 721 pictures. 6 hour(to the minute) battery life.

  2. Hey, Just wondering if you could tell me a bit more about how you set up the 'Trent'. Im hiking in Nepal next year and was thinking about getting a GoPro to film it, take photos, etc. (i wont have it on constantly.) But with only 3 hours normally it would be difficult, but with this external charger it seems like it would work. Can you tell me a bit more about whats happening with it? Do you run the normall battery then plug the Trent in? or what? Anything else about it? The Trents arent that expensive compared to some extra batteries. Thanks alot.

  3. Hi,

    have you ever tested the new GoPro Hero2 Camera?

