I volunteered to be the designer and publisher for the 2010 Worldwide Kite Aerial Photography Week book. There were 47 photographers that participated and submitted content for this year's book.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Worldwide Kite Aerial Photography Week 2010 Book
Monday, November 8, 2010
DIY: GoPro Flat Lens Underwater Housing (Focus Fix)
I have a trip coming soon to the Florida Keys, and have big plans for my GoPro HD Hero cameras. In addition to some Kite Aerial Photography, we'll be doing some kiteboarding and sailing, and these little camera's will be mounted just about everywhere. The one negative feature of the GoPro HD Hero is the soft focus due to the curvature of the lens when using the underwater housing actually under water. A few clever Do-It yourselfers figured out that if you place a flat lens in front of the Hero while using it underwater, you get perfect focus. I decided that I would research this and attempt to create a "flat lens" housing myself.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Star Trails: Yerkes Observatory
Recovered From October, 2010:
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
DIY GoPro Chest Harness
Ever since I bought the Speedy Sewer sewing awl, I've got a few projects out of the way. In addition to the dSLR chest mount, I also created a harness for my GoPro HD Hero camera. GoPro does sell a chest harness, but I thought I could create one for much cheaper. Basically, I took the display mount that came with the camera and ground the edges down, plus cut slots in the plastic for the nylon to go through. Should be fun to try out Kitesurfing or snowboarding.
DIY dSLR Chest Harness
FYI: This is not my original idea. I saw a post about a year ago when someone created a custom sleeve to hold their dSLR camera near their body to captures images of children's smiles as they are swung around in a circle. It was posted on a DIY photography forum and titled, "Give 'Em A Spin - A Fun Family Photography Project" Here is that original post. I had bookmarked that site, and forgot about it until just recently. Coincidentally, I had a birthday party to go to for a 6 year niece, and thought that I'd better get this project started.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Burrows: 08.15.10: Kiteboarding!
Max is always my best model!
My dog Maximus has always been my go-to guy when needing a subject to photograph. We were on a weekend getaway to visit family and friends at a river cottage near Joliet, and I was able to capture Max running on a sandbar. Using my Canon 7D and the 70-200mm f/2.8 IS lens, I froze the motion and water splashing. Max still doesn't like to swim, but he is getting more comfortable in the water, and shallow water, he's a rock star!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Animoto Craziness!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Photoshop Saves!
Sometimes as a photographer, you're dealt with challenging lighting situations. Here is an example where I didn't have an assistant to use a reflector, and not enough time to go get a fill flash and umbrella. The sun is overhead, but behind the Bride and Groom. This is where Photoshop can save a mediocre to bad image, and make it a keeper.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Alien Skin: Snap Art - A-Scow and Capitol
Believe it or not, I still get requests to "Photoshop" images for people. Anyone who know's photoshop, this could be one of a million effects, filters, and/or actions. Luckily, he had an image that I already doctor'd up as a base. I decided to try a few different effects on this image, as they all have a slightly different feel once processed. Here are some examples using the Alien Skin Snap Art plugin using Adobe Photoshop CS5:
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Darby & Tim: Multimedia Slide Show
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Eric & Tracy's Destination Wedding!
- GoPro HD Hero on a Tripod using a Lawn Sprinkler timer as a panning device: Time Lapse
- GoPro HD Hero on mini-gorrilla pod on lawn directly in front of the alter: 720p HD Video 60fps
- Canon G11 on Tripod on elevated Deck (Right) running CHDK script: Time Lapse
- Canon 7D on Tripod on lower elevated deck (left): 1080p HD Video
- Sony HDR-SR1 on elevated deck: 1080i HD Video
- Canon 50D with 70-200mm f/2.8 IS Zoom Lens: Monopod
- Canon 5D Mark II with 16-35mm f/2.8 Zoom lens: -R-Strap

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Star Trails!
I've been waiting for a chance to try star trail photography for quite some time now. I don't get out into the wild away from the lights of the city very often to get a good glimpse of the stars. I was really hoping that when I was in Washington shooting a wedding, that I would have my chance. Luck would have it, I got clear skies on Sunday night during a new moon, sot he skies were covered with stars. I had read about different approaches, and I had 3 dSLR cameras to play with, with 2 remotes. I discovered that stacking images works the best, and using 30 second exposures and a fairly wide aperature was the key. Here are a few examples.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
New Panning Time Lapse Device: Lawn Sprinkler Timer?
Monday, June 28, 2010
Lightning photography has been on my list of things to attempt, but it's pretty much a waiting game and being at the right place at the right time. A line of storms rolled through Madison this last Saturday night, and I was able to set up shop overlooking the lake from the University of Wisconsin Lifesaving Station. Since I had never attempted this before, I took a few test shots, and ended up with some pretty good results. I set the exposure on the camera at 30 seconds, and kept the aperature at about f/6.3. Click the shutter and hope that lightening strikes. Here are a couple of good ones from Saturday night.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Renneckar / Sugar Wedding: Kite Aerial Photography

Renneckar / Sugar Wedding: Light Art at Club Manitou!
I decided that I wanted to try out a technique called light art. Basically, you get in a dark area and set the camera to a really long exposure, and then you have someone use a flashlight to spell something out in the air, or trace something. Katie helped me, and we had a great time trying to figure out how to spell stuff backwards and seeing the results!
Renneckar / Sugar Wedding: Canoe-Kayak Time Lapse
The morning of the Renneckar / Sugar wedding, Darby and Tim planned a canoe and kayak outing going down the Crystal River in Glen Arbor, Mi. We utilized the Crystal River Outfitters and drove upstream about 6 miles. We had a group between 50 and 60 people and about 30 canoes and kayaks. I brought along the GoPro HD Hero and attached it to a different canoe at different locations. I created 2 time lapse sequences from the shots. One is a fast sequence, and the other is slightly slower with a cartoon effect.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Lake Mendota Time Lapse

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
H8 eScow Regatta Time Lapse Photography
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
SEO Testing: Bristol Renaissance Faire
I am trying to get a handle on Search Engine Optimization, SEO for my photography website. I have thousands of images posted on my m2 photography site, and it's very difficult to get them to show up on Google. However, many times the same image posted on flickr, or linked from my blog, or external forums do show up in the results. I want to ensure that I'm doing everything possible to improve my ranking, and maybe gathering some ammo to take back to SmugMug for enhancement requests. There are forums specifically offering advice for optimizing your SmugMug site, and I have taken many of the tips and implemented them without seeing many changes in my searches through google. I thought I would perform some simple tests to see if any of my methods are working.